Hola otra vez mi gente de SINher, vengo a dejar mi humilde opinión
Primero, me gusto la implementación de las barras de piedras. La barra de piedra donde esta el hongo y los dos cofres, cuando se regenera la roca no puedes salir a menos que vuelvas al ultimo punto de control. No se pueden encantar a los gusanos. La primera escalera no se puede subir del suelo, pero si saltas y subes si se puede. La zona del slime verde y azul, funciona mejor aunque se ralentiza levemente. No hay ningún error con otra escalera o criatura.
Me volvió salir un error cuando se lleva la ropa de Lise cuando vas a enfrentar a Ira, el error es el que se muestra en pantalla.
Public version 0.37
Hello again my people from SINher, I come to leave my humble opinion
First, I liked the implementation of the stone bars.
The stone bar where the mushroom and the two chests are, when the rock regenerates you cannot leave unless you return to the last checkpoint.
You can't charm worms.
The first ladder cannot be climbed from the ground, but if you jump and climb it you can.
The green and blue slime area works better although it slows down slightly.
There is no mistake with another ladder or creature.
I got an error again when he takes Lise's clothes when you go to face Ira, the error is the one shown on the screen.
I still can't get this error to appear on my end, but after googling the error code I found that it's possible that it's a graphics driver issue. Hope this is of some help.
There is a terrible error when you go to fight with Ira, if you have Lise's clothes on or in your inventory when you get to her room an error pops up and doesn't let you enter, but without clothes everything is fine.
Another error is that in the blue slime part the game is slower only on that map.
I like the idea of stairs although it looks kind of strange in a cave, I don't know if you plan to change that for vines or another object in the future.
Another thing I noticed is that you can't charm the ground worm.
If you keep giving Lise things, she will continue giving you clothes.
Also notice that you have put more mobility in your breasts when running.
Also notice the new art I like, there are times that Lise reappears with clothes when she gives them to you if you have them in your inventory and not wearing them.
Hello! Thank you again for the feedback, it's very helpful. ♥ I might not be able to fix all these issues for the next update, but I add them to my bug-list. :)
Hay un terrible error cuando vas a pelear con Ira, si llevas la ropa de lise puesta o en el inventario al llegar a su sala salta error y no te deja entrar, pero sin ropa todo bien. Otro error es que en la parte del slime azul va mas lento el juego solo en ese mapa. Me gusta la idea de las escaleras aunque queda medio raro en una cueva, no se si planeas en un futuro cambiar eso por lianas u otro objeto. Otra cosa que note es que no se puede encantar al gusano del suelo. Si a Lise le sigues regalando cosas te sigue dando ropa. También note que le as puesto mas movilidad a los pechos al correr. También note el nuevo arte me gusta, hay veces que Lise vuelve a aparecer con ropa cuando te la regala si la tienes en el inventario y no puesta.
Eso es todo lo que note asta ahora. Como siempre te agradezco por dejar gratis este juego.
Hello EliseArt, I'm here to help you a little with my opinion, but first I'm going to thank you for making this game that I really like and I'm a woman.
Well in this version, when I got Lise's clothes at the beginning of the game there started to be a lot of errors in the animations, the worm in the ground transformed into a dog and the demon into a spear. It also made it take a long time to load when changing maps, there are also areas where the game slows down. But without clothes, I didn't find any bugs.
I also recommend that in the battle with Ira, when you defeat her and the text appears about pressing the arrow, you change it since it is a bit confusing, I had to read comments to know what to do in that part to advance.
Another thing, which is more for fun, the animation of the demon dog when it throws you to the ground and walks towards you, it would be nice if the girl moved her legs a little or something, since that part feels very rigid while waiting.
It would also be good to have interactions with the Wrath, whether sexual or his reactions to seeing us with other creatures.
You know, I really like your game, your art, everything. When you have the opportunity to buy your game, I don't know if here or on the patreon.
Thank you so much for the detailed comment! I was going to reply to your previous post, but life happened. First of all YOU are amazing, you found an issue that I'd been trying to solve for a long time with the wrong animations appearing. I never thought to think it may have been due to the clothes. That's great to know and also a relief.
There are some animations, especially some of the earlier H-animations I made, for example the Shadowbeast ones, that will be reworked entirely since they are lower in quality now compared to the other sprites in game. I don't know when, but it's on the list of things to do.
♥ Thank you...! Right now, since it's an unfinished game, the version with unlocked gallery can be accessed here or on Patreon.com/SINHER ! However once the game is finished it will be on Steam.
Hola EliseArt, vengo a ayudarte un poco con mi opinión, pero primero voy a agradecerte por hacer este juego que me gusto bastante y eso que soy mujer.
Bueno en esta versión, cuando conseguí la ropa de Lise al inicio del juego empezaron a haber muchos errores en las animaciones, el gusano del suelo se transformaba en perro y el demonio con lanza. También hacia que al cambiar de mapa tardara mucho en cargar, también hay zonas en el que se ralentice el juego. Pero sin ropa, no encontré ningún error.
También recomiendo que en la batalla con Ira al derrotarla y aparezca el texto de apretar la flecha lo cambies ya que confunde un poco, tuve que leer comentarios para saber que hacer en esa parte para avanzar.
Otra cosa, que es mas por gusto, la animación del perro demonio cuando te tira al suelo y camina hacia a ti, estaría bueno que la chica moviera un poco las piernas o algo, ya que se siente muy rígida esa parte mientras se espera. También estaría bueno tener interacciones con el Wrath, sean sexuales o reacciones de él al vernos con otras criaturas.
Sabes me gusta bastante tu juego, tu arte, todo. Cuando tenga la oportunidad comprare tu juego, no se si aqui o en el patreon.
Seguiré haciendo reseñas cada que pueda. Espero que te ayude. CielosW.
hey there! played your game and its looking good so far! the animations and overall vibe are very good. i have a few notes however,
first off, the levels can be a little annoying to traverse, for example sometimes the hitboxes for the platforms dont match up with the sprites, and there were a few problems with the bounce mushrooms, such as a point where it was directly in the middle of a hole with 2 chests inside, making it difficullt to get to the chests without just bouncing up and down on it, or when it seems to line up for a row of floating coins, but just throws you into the ceiling spikes.
another thing is that enemies can be a little annoying to fight, theres essentially no warning when theyre gonna attack, so its quite hard to avoid, but they also seem to die really easily as well, leaving a not very satisfying fight. i know its still early in development, but id think about improving that :)
those are the most glaring issues i found, but i loved playing it, and am excited to see where it goes :)
It sounds truly wrong to make this comparison to a porn game, but secret routes like that bring back happy memories of playing Sonic as a kid. I will gladly put more money down for more levels in future.
This is absolutely amazing work. A fun challenge with check points perfectly spaced out, and the animations when the player character gets too close to an enemy and Wrath is defeated are very, very good fun. Delivered exactly what I was hoping for when I was downloading the game.
Sooo I beat Wrath but I can't get out of the pre boss room it just locked me in (I beat wrath before beating that flying book idk his name if that needs to be said)
This is a temporary solution as the flying book is required to trigger the H-animation for Wrath. I should probably make it so you can't fight her before having the book with you. Very sorry about the inconvenience this has caused!
Hello! Having a problem after the first book boss of not being able to progress. Checking the comments I see (and I assume) that both green slimes are meant to turn into springs? If this is the case on my end the top most slime turned into a black wolf instead.
Thank you for letting me know about this issue and sorry that you're unable to progress. The slime should indeed turn into a smaller slime upon killing it. I'd recommend restarting the game as this bug is (to my understanding) quite rare so I've been unable to replicate it myself to find the source of the problem. Fortunately the game is quite short at this stage.
I'm considering reworking the enemy system entirely to prevent this from happening.
You go right, and you should find a portal to get back to where you spoke with Lise, then just keep going right until you find the big room, then keep going right.
-- Remapping the 'E' key does almost nothing. All that actually changes is which key you need to press to advance the bossfight chat boxes. - The inventory screen also ignores remapping of the navigation keys and still forces you to use 'WASD'.
-- Hitting "Restart From Last Checkpoint" only resets player position and HP. Dead enemies stay dead, hearts stay collected, and most importantly, boss fights stay exactly how you left them. Missing HP and everything. - Interestingly, the door to the demon girl fight won't be solid anymore. - This also causes problems with the music that's supposed to play.
-- "Last Checkpoint" is interpreted as which green crystal was last used to save, not which one was last walked past, and this flag does not clear when you hit "New Game". This means a new game that checkpoint resets without saving first can skip as much as you want.
-- Charming an enemy right before they attack will still cause damage and knockback. - If this pushes you into a mushroom spring, the entire sex animation will bounce up and down.
- Jump attacks don't seem to have working hitboxes (both versions of the neutral jump attack can't hit at all, and the downwards jump attack can't hit rocks but works on enemies)
- Lise sometimes responds to every interaction with "-1" (possibly something to do with the gift system? It happened the first time I tried giving her something)
- If charmed, Slimes maintain their movement speed after turning into trampolines (this means they move more slowly than they do if killed normally, which is annoying)
- Ira can be beaten without first picking up Liber (not a bug, but an immersion issue. IMO she should either be blocked off before you get Liber or have a special win animation if you beat her without it)
- Charm is slightly underexplained (just add "Uses 1/3 of your Heart meter" to the charm tooltip so people know what the meter is for)
Also, does Ira have any animations for when she hits you, or is the victory animation the only one she has?
Jump attacks are a work in progress, at the moment jump attacks have little to no use, but the animation/hitboxes will be fixed once they do. As for Ira, at the moment the victory animation is the only one, however I have something in the works for when the player loses to her. Thank you for playing! ♥
Hello! I played this masterpiece, interesting animations, a great soundtrack, just like in the Tiberian sun. The attack button is incorrectly specified in the tutorial, instead of F - left alt. I really liked the game, I'm waiting for the full version, thx for alpha.
That's concerning, could you possibly send me the code in the crash message? Or describe exactly where/what you were doing when it happened? If so that would be of great help.
IDK how to do that, it just goes light white and does the whole "not responding" thing. It's a shame. Your game looked absolutely beautiful from the pictures.
There seems to be a problem with jumping in this game. when fighting the lava boss ira, you can't even jump over her lanceing attack, like what the point of jumping if you are gna get hit anyways? Is there a double jump option?
When fighting Ira, the only attack intended to jump over (as of writing this comment) is the wave of fire that comes after she slams into the ground. The lance attack where she dashes from side to side can't be jumped over, it must be parried.
is there a way to double jump or dash? i have no idea on how to pass the last section of the lava. the jump doesnt seem possible unless im supposed to take damage to propel myself forward
Try holding the jump button when you go for a jump, this will make you jump higher. The lava section is really just presicion jumping as the platforms are quite small. Good luck!
So right now i have two bugs in this game. First, i couldn't move to the left or right one time after respawning and one time after getting hit by the purple shots from the book boss. Secondly, directly after defeating the book boss i tried to use an item(i can't remember which one it was, but i think it was the skull) and then my game crashed. However the new lavagirl animation is looking really well^^
The jump is so tedious, if your a pixel off it doesn't work, or if it does it doesn't go high enough. Yes Im holding the button down, and I have to do it like 3 times to clear a slightly higher block. I've literally spent 30 minutes at the lava area constantly dying because the jump is messed up (and yes im ass at platformers). I get to the last jump multiple times and then because its a tiny platform the jump is too short or it doesn't work at all. if the jump just a little bit higher then this wouldn't be an issue. I'm just wasting my time with this game (Obviously, its a fucking porn game).
bug - slime turned into dark shadow lizard somehow
the key binding is messed up, only shift and alt work for attack and block, not c and f.
As of now, there are only 2 items with uses, the other ones are just there for the future as I have plans for them. Currently, the Wine can heal you, and the Books can be given to Lise to raise her relationship. (You get a reward for lvl 3).
Thanks for all the hard work of making a game. It's rare, I think, to see women devs have a crack at mostly male-oriented lewd games market. So that's points right off the bat. Nice pixel art style. I like the blocking animation sprites the most for some reason. Kinda unique and confident pose.
Unfortunately in the current state it has lots of bugs that prevent me from enjoying it:
- When I pause the game by pressing escape often the character suddenly starts playing the animation of getting hit although nothing happens and also becomes stuck - can't move left or right but can jump up and crack the whip. There's nothing to do but reload.
- once, the slime near the save point turned into a dog, then back to slime. Not sure what triggered it.
- I died and reloaded in the above situation and there was no slime after reload. I jumped down and couldn't get out at all, because the slime wasn't there, forcing another reload.
- I have no idea how collecting hearts into the big heart should work?
- having to press E to pick things up doesn't feel necessary, it slows down action (also, the item not always gets picked up, perhaps you should at least highlight it when in range)
- Controls also feel stiff and not always responsive, but I'm not a dev, so can't suggest how to improve that. Especially the whip. There seems to be a combo but it not always triggers.
- the sex animations are really cool but long so sometimes annoying if you get grabbed repeatedly. Some way of shaking the enemy off would be nice, by rapidly pressing left-right, for example.
Also, on a more subjective note, I dislike the trope of getting fucked solely for messing up. I know it's a standard in the genre, but I prefer for the character to have a more active role in initiating this (esp. since she's a succubus!). It's not just a femdom thing, it's the gameplay contradiction that I'm getting rewarded for losing. Suppose I play the game perfectly then I'm probably not gonna see almost any of the sexy stuff.
Thank you for the thorough reply! You bring some good points. With the next release (which is right around the corner) I have fixed some fairly major issues and the game should feel more responsive.
-Enemies turning into other enemies has been mentioned a couple times, but I don't know what causes this yet.. I imagine I'll have to go over the enemy codes thoroughly (or rewrite them) to fix it.
-When you are in range to pick up an item you can see the key pop up above it, that means youre in range to pick it up. This is a new issue I've not heard of before nor encountered myself so I will keep an eye on this.
-The idea with the hearts and the bar is that you can charm enemies to engage in animations with them at your own will. You get hearts by collecting them or attacking enemies. It requires 1/3rd of the bar full to be able to use, at which point the bar will begin to flash occasionally. I may need to add some more explanations to this function in the game..
-The suggestion to cancel animations is a good one. I haven't thought of this and I may implement it in the future.
i just found a bug where if you use the charm ability on the magma girls she gets turned into a spear man. If you use the charm ability again it plays the magma girl animation but returns to being a spearman aferwards.
I found a bug where after I defeat Wrath, I get stuck. I can walk through the door without it opening, but the exit is unpassable and it just constantly says "Press ->". Without saying what to press. And I tryed pressing every button without anything happening. While Wrath just sits kneeling like before entering. Even the book stops following me. This is on the public version if that changes things.
Besides this bug, everything else seems great, pretty enjoyable game.
Thank you for playing the game and for letting me know about these bugs!
After Wrath the game is pretty much at its end. The "Press ->" refers to the arrow keys on your keyboard and will make Wrath's H-animation progress from her kneeling on the ground. It's a temporary text.
I must say that i really like your game and i'm looking forward to playing the finished version. Sadly i'm pretty poor otherwise i would support you on patreon... Keep up that good work<
It's not a bug that she is gone after the fight, you can find her later in the level near a save point, but if that is unclear I may consider having her appear sooner. Thank you for playing!
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Will there be impreg?
Hello! Thanks for taking an interest in this project o/
If I see that enough people want it then it's something that might be added.
Will you do a poll for it?
Just finished demo and it's actually pretty good. Instant buy!
Thank you so much! ♥ I'm very glad you liked it.
Versión pública 0.37
Hola otra vez mi gente de SINher, vengo a dejar mi humilde opinión
Primero, me gusto la implementación de las barras de piedras.
La barra de piedra donde esta el hongo y los dos cofres, cuando se regenera la roca no puedes salir a menos que vuelvas al ultimo punto de control.
No se pueden encantar a los gusanos.
La primera escalera no se puede subir del suelo, pero si saltas y subes si se puede.
La zona del slime verde y azul, funciona mejor aunque se ralentiza levemente.
No hay ningún error con otra escalera o criatura.
Me volvió salir un error cuando se lleva la ropa de Lise cuando vas a enfrentar a Ira, el error es el que se muestra en pantalla.
Public version 0.37
Hello again my people from SINher, I come to leave my humble opinion
First, I liked the implementation of the stone bars.
The stone bar where the mushroom and the two chests are, when the rock regenerates you cannot leave unless you return to the last checkpoint.
You can't charm worms.
The first ladder cannot be climbed from the ground, but if you jump and climb it you can.
The green and blue slime area works better although it slows down slightly.
There is no mistake with another ladder or creature.
I got an error again when he takes Lise's clothes when you go to face Ira, the error is the one shown on the screen.
Cielos W.
Hello, thank you again for letting me know of the issues and for providing the screenshot! I always appreciate how helpful you are. Cheers!
I still can't get this error to appear on my end, but after googling the error code I found that it's possible that it's a graphics driver issue. Hope this is of some help.
Versión public 0,36
Hello again, I come to leave my humble opinion.
There is a terrible error when you go to fight with Ira, if you have Lise's clothes on or in your inventory when you get to her room an error pops up and doesn't let you enter, but without clothes everything is fine.
Another error is that in the blue slime part the game is slower only on that map.
I like the idea of stairs although it looks kind of strange in a cave, I don't know if you plan to change that for vines or another object in the future.
Another thing I noticed is that you can't charm the ground worm.
If you keep giving Lise things, she will continue giving you clothes.
Also notice that you have put more mobility in your breasts when running.
Also notice the new art I like, there are times that Lise reappears with clothes when she gives them to you if you have them in your inventory and not wearing them.
That's all I noticed so far.
As always, I thank you for making this game free.
Hello! Thank you again for the feedback, it's very helpful. ♥
I might not be able to fix all these issues for the next update, but I add them to my bug-list. :)
As long as you have them pending, that's enough, I like to help you.
Hello, again thank you for your valuable feedback! ♥
If you have the time, would you mind explaining more in detail how you found the first one? I'm struggling to find the issue with the first one.
If you happen to try the new version, would you please let me know if the game is still slow in the blue slime room? :)
I don't take your help for granted, so know that I appreciate it whether or not you're able to check anything further.
I hope my new comment helps you
Versión publica 0,36
Hola de nuevo vengo a dejar mi humilde opinión
Hay un terrible error cuando vas a pelear con Ira, si llevas la ropa de lise puesta o en el inventario al llegar a su sala salta error y no te deja entrar, pero sin ropa todo bien.
Otro error es que en la parte del slime azul va mas lento el juego solo en ese mapa.
Me gusta la idea de las escaleras aunque queda medio raro en una cueva, no se si planeas en un futuro cambiar eso por lianas u otro objeto.
Otra cosa que note es que no se puede encantar al gusano del suelo.
Si a Lise le sigues regalando cosas te sigue dando ropa.
También note que le as puesto mas movilidad a los pechos al correr.
También note el nuevo arte me gusta, hay veces que Lise vuelve a aparecer con ropa cuando te la regala si la tienes en el inventario y no puesta.
Eso es todo lo que note asta ahora.
Como siempre te agradezco por dejar gratis este juego.
Is it normal that when I download the 0.35 (Public) in the game is showed as the 0.34 version?
Yes, this is version 0.35! I just forgot to update the number for that month's update. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Ok thanks!
Version 0.35 Public
Hello EliseArt, I'm here to help you a little with my opinion, but first I'm going to thank you for making this game that I really like and I'm a woman.
Well in this version, when I got Lise's clothes at the beginning of the game there started to be a lot of errors in the animations, the worm in the ground transformed into a dog and the demon into a spear. It also made it take a long time to load when changing maps, there are also areas where the game slows down. But without clothes, I didn't find any bugs.
I also recommend that in the battle with Ira, when you defeat her and the text appears about pressing the arrow, you change it since it is a bit confusing, I had to read comments to know what to do in that part to advance.
Another thing, which is more for fun, the animation of the demon dog when it throws you to the ground and walks towards you, it would be nice if the girl moved her legs a little or something, since that part feels very rigid while waiting.
It would also be good to have interactions with the Wrath, whether sexual or his reactions to seeing us with other creatures.
You know, I really like your game, your art, everything. When you have the opportunity to buy your game, I don't know if here or on the patreon.
I will continue doing reviews whenever I can.
I hope it helps you.
Thank you so much for the detailed comment! I was going to reply to your previous post, but life happened.
First of all YOU are amazing, you found an issue that I'd been trying to solve for a long time with the wrong animations appearing. I never thought to think it may have been due to the clothes. That's great to know and also a relief.
There are some animations, especially some of the earlier H-animations I made, for example the Shadowbeast ones, that will be reworked entirely since they are lower in quality now compared to the other sprites in game. I don't know when, but it's on the list of things to do.
Thank you again, and cheers for playing! ♥
The pleasure is mine to play your beautiful game. Tell me, where would you like me to buy your game, when I have the resources?
♥ Thank you...! Right now, since it's an unfinished game, the version with unlocked gallery can be accessed here or on Patreon.com/SINHER ! However once the game is finished it will be on Steam.
Versión 0,35 Publica
Hola EliseArt, vengo a ayudarte un poco con mi opinión, pero primero voy a agradecerte por hacer este juego que me gusto bastante y eso que soy mujer.
Bueno en esta versión, cuando conseguí la ropa de Lise al inicio del juego empezaron a haber muchos errores en las animaciones, el gusano del suelo se transformaba en perro y el demonio con lanza. También hacia que al cambiar de mapa tardara mucho en cargar, también hay zonas en el que se ralentice el juego. Pero sin ropa, no encontré ningún error.
También recomiendo que en la batalla con Ira al derrotarla y aparezca el texto de apretar la flecha lo cambies ya que confunde un poco, tuve que leer comentarios para saber que hacer en esa parte para avanzar.
Otra cosa, que es mas por gusto, la animación del perro demonio cuando te tira al suelo y camina hacia a ti, estaría bueno que la chica moviera un poco las piernas o algo, ya que se siente muy rígida esa parte mientras se espera.
También estaría bueno tener interacciones con el Wrath, sean sexuales o reacciones de él al vernos con otras criaturas.
Sabes me gusta bastante tu juego, tu arte, todo. Cuando tenga la oportunidad comprare tu juego, no se si aqui o en el patreon.
Seguiré haciendo reseñas cada que pueda.
Espero que te ayude.
"Please be aware that this game contains explicit sexual content"
That's... that's why we're here. :p
In all seriousness, looking forward to more of this game a lot. Looks great!
Hah! Thank you, I'm pleased you like it!
hey there! played your game and its looking good so far! the animations and overall vibe are very good. i have a few notes however,
first off, the levels can be a little annoying to traverse, for example sometimes the hitboxes for the platforms dont match up with the sprites, and there were a few problems with the bounce mushrooms, such as a point where it was directly in the middle of a hole with 2 chests inside, making it difficullt to get to the chests without just bouncing up and down on it, or when it seems to line up for a row of floating coins, but just throws you into the ceiling spikes.
another thing is that enemies can be a little annoying to fight, theres essentially no warning when theyre gonna attack, so its quite hard to avoid, but they also seem to die really easily as well, leaving a not very satisfying fight. i know its still early in development, but id think about improving that :)
those are the most glaring issues i found, but i loved playing it, and am excited to see where it goes :)
I'm glad you liked it & thank you for the feedback! I will look into fixing these things.
Never mind, found it :D
It sounds truly wrong to make this comparison to a porn game, but secret routes like that bring back happy memories of playing Sonic as a kid. I will gladly put more money down for more levels in future.
This is the exact reason I wanted to add them! And thank you for the comment on it, make it feel like adding them was a good choice. :)
This is absolutely amazing work. A fun challenge with check points perfectly spaced out, and the animations when the player character gets too close to an enemy and Wrath is defeated are very, very good fun. Delivered exactly what I was hoping for when I was downloading the game.
Thank you so much! I'm very glad to hear you liked it. ♥
Sooo I beat Wrath but I can't get out of the pre boss room it just locked me in (I beat wrath before beating that flying book idk his name if that needs to be said)
This is a temporary solution as the flying book is required to trigger the H-animation for Wrath. I should probably make it so you can't fight her before having the book with you. Very sorry about the inconvenience this has caused!
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i just found this hidden gem and i LOVE it, one suggestion though is maybe a zoom button
Thank you! That makes me happy to hear ♥ Zoom is a great suggestion, I won't promise anything, but it might be something I will consider future.
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Hello! Having a problem after the first book boss of not being able to progress. Checking the comments I see (and I assume) that both green slimes are meant to turn into springs? If this is the case on my end the top most slime turned into a black wolf instead.
Thank you for letting me know about this issue and sorry that you're unable to progress. The slime should indeed turn into a smaller slime upon killing it.
I'd recommend restarting the game as this bug is (to my understanding) quite rare so I've been unable to replicate it myself to find the source of the problem. Fortunately the game is quite short at this stage.
I'm considering reworking the enemy system entirely to prevent this from happening.
Happy holidays!
soooo i needa pay for it again?
If you have paid for it and cannot access it, send me a message me on twitter with a screenshot of it and I'll send it to you personally!
Download tutorial???
Holy fuck, what is this. Dark souls?
It's one of my inspirations, but I intend to make Wrath easier if that was your concern. ♥
All it would take is making the block last longer, stopping those charges is by far the hardest part.
and when will it be released on android
Though I would love for that to happen, realistically speaking... probably never.
what do you do after defeating the 1st boss
You go right, and you should find a portal to get back to where you spoke with Lise, then just keep going right until you find the big room, then keep going right.
-- Remapping the 'E' key does almost nothing. All that actually changes is which key you need to press to advance the bossfight chat boxes.
- The inventory screen also ignores remapping of the navigation keys and still forces you to use 'WASD'.
-- Hitting "Restart From Last Checkpoint" only resets player position and HP. Dead enemies stay dead, hearts stay collected, and most importantly, boss fights stay exactly how you left them. Missing HP and everything.
- Interestingly, the door to the demon girl fight won't be solid anymore.
- This also causes problems with the music that's supposed to play.
-- "Last Checkpoint" is interpreted as which green crystal was last used to save, not which one was last walked past, and this flag does not clear when you hit "New Game". This means a new game that checkpoint resets without saving first can skip as much as you want.
-- Charming an enemy right before they attack will still cause damage and knockback.
- If this pushes you into a mushroom spring, the entire sex animation will bounce up and down.
Thank you for taking the time to write this list of issues. I'll try and address some of these things before the next update.
Issues I had while playing:
- Jump attacks don't seem to have working hitboxes (both versions of the neutral jump attack can't hit at all, and the downwards jump attack can't hit rocks but works on enemies)
- Lise sometimes responds to every interaction with "-1" (possibly something to do with the gift system? It happened the first time I tried giving her something)
- If charmed, Slimes maintain their movement speed after turning into trampolines (this means they move more slowly than they do if killed normally, which is annoying)
- Ira can be beaten without first picking up Liber (not a bug, but an immersion issue. IMO she should either be blocked off before you get Liber or have a special win animation if you beat her without it)
- Charm is slightly underexplained (just add "Uses 1/3 of your Heart meter" to the charm tooltip so people know what the meter is for)
Also, does Ira have any animations for when she hits you, or is the victory animation the only one she has?
Thank you for the feedback!
Jump attacks are a work in progress, at the moment jump attacks have little to no use, but the animation/hitboxes will be fixed once they do.
As for Ira, at the moment the victory animation is the only one, however I have something in the works for when the player loses to her.
Thank you for playing! ♥
Hello! I played this masterpiece, interesting animations, a great soundtrack, just like in the Tiberian sun. The attack button is incorrectly specified in the tutorial, instead of F - left alt. I really liked the game, I'm waiting for the full version, thx for alpha.
Thank you so much for playing and for the feedback! ♥
I'm working on getting a fix out very soon for the issues regarding the keys.
Just crashes whenever I open it for no reason.
That's concerning, could you possibly send me the code in the crash message? Or describe exactly where/what you were doing when it happened? If so that would be of great help.
IDK how to do that, it just goes light white and does the whole "not responding" thing. It's a shame. Your game looked absolutely beautiful from the pictures.
Running as admin fixed it though
There seems to be a problem with jumping in this game. when fighting the lava boss ira, you can't even jump over her lanceing attack, like what the point of jumping if you are gna get hit anyways? Is there a double jump option?
When fighting Ira, the only attack intended to jump over (as of writing this comment) is the wave of fire that comes after she slams into the ground.
The lance attack where she dashes from side to side can't be jumped over, it must be parried.
Hope this helps!
multiple crashes every hour even when ran as admin, controls are janky, occasional invisible hit-box, pretty good animations.
I'm very glad to hear you've been playing my short game for hours!
Would you mind letting me know where you're crashing?
Thank you for trying out Sinher! ♥
usually when hitting or killing an enemy, sometimes enemies turn into different enemies. crashes also happen without any noticeable cause.
is there a way to double jump or dash? i have no idea on how to pass the last section of the lava. the jump doesnt seem possible unless im supposed to take damage to propel myself forward
Try holding the jump button when you go for a jump, this will make you jump higher. The lava section is really just presicion jumping as the platforms are quite small. Good luck!
Thank you!
So right now i have two bugs in this game. First, i couldn't move to the left or right one time after respawning and one time after getting hit by the purple shots from the book boss. Secondly, directly after defeating the book boss i tried to use an item(i can't remember which one it was, but i think it was the skull) and then my game crashed. However the new lavagirl animation is looking really well^^
Thank you for letting me know!
Can I play this with Joiplay?
I don't know much about Joiplay, but from what found online I doubt it will work with it since this game is made with Game Maker 2. :(
The jump is so tedious, if your a pixel off it doesn't work, or if it does it doesn't go high enough. Yes Im holding the button down, and I have to do it like 3 times to clear a slightly higher block. I've literally spent 30 minutes at the lava area constantly dying because the jump is messed up (and yes im ass at platformers). I get to the last jump multiple times and then because its a tiny platform the jump is too short or it doesn't work at all. if the jump just a little bit higher then this wouldn't be an issue. I'm just wasting my time with this game (Obviously, its a fucking porn game).
bug - slime turned into dark shadow lizard somehow
the key binding is messed up, only shift and alt work for attack and block, not c and f.
I'll likely adjust the jump. It's an easy fix.
However the keybindings should really by default be F for attack and Shift for parry. You can change them from the main menu.
Which version of the game are you playing? 0.29.1 is the latest one.
What do items do?
As of now, there are only 2 items with uses, the other ones are just there for the future as I have plans for them.
Currently, the Wine can heal you, and the Books can be given to Lise to raise her relationship. (You get a reward for lvl 3).
Ah, didn't know about how to use the books. Thanks!
Thanks for all the hard work of making a game. It's rare, I think, to see women devs have a crack at mostly male-oriented lewd games market. So that's points right off the bat. Nice pixel art style. I like the blocking animation sprites the most for some reason. Kinda unique and confident pose.
Unfortunately in the current state it has lots of bugs that prevent me from enjoying it:
- When I pause the game by pressing escape often the character suddenly starts playing the animation of getting hit although nothing happens and also becomes stuck - can't move left or right but can jump up and crack the whip. There's nothing to do but reload.
- once, the slime near the save point turned into a dog, then back to slime. Not sure what triggered it.
- I died and reloaded in the above situation and there was no slime after reload. I jumped down and couldn't get out at all, because the slime wasn't there, forcing another reload.
- I have no idea how collecting hearts into the big heart should work?
- having to press E to pick things up doesn't feel necessary, it slows down action (also, the item not always gets picked up, perhaps you should at least highlight it when in range)
- Controls also feel stiff and not always responsive, but I'm not a dev, so can't suggest how to improve that. Especially the whip. There seems to be a combo but it not always triggers.
- the sex animations are really cool but long so sometimes annoying if you get grabbed repeatedly. Some way of shaking the enemy off would be nice, by rapidly pressing left-right, for example.
Also, on a more subjective note, I dislike the trope of getting fucked solely for messing up. I know it's a standard in the genre, but I prefer for the character to have a more active role in initiating this (esp. since she's a succubus!). It's not just a femdom thing, it's the gameplay contradiction that I'm getting rewarded for losing. Suppose I play the game perfectly then I'm probably not gonna see almost any of the sexy stuff.
Thank you for the thorough reply! You bring some good points. With the next release (which is right around the corner) I have fixed some fairly major issues and the game should feel more responsive.
-Enemies turning into other enemies has been mentioned a couple times, but I don't know what causes this yet.. I imagine I'll have to go over the enemy codes thoroughly (or rewrite them) to fix it.
-When you are in range to pick up an item you can see the key pop up above it, that means youre in range to pick it up. This is a new issue I've not heard of before nor encountered myself so I will keep an eye on this.
-The idea with the hearts and the bar is that you can charm enemies to engage in animations with them at your own will. You get hearts by collecting them or attacking enemies. It requires 1/3rd of the bar full to be able to use, at which point the bar will begin to flash occasionally.
I may need to add some more explanations to this function in the game..
-The suggestion to cancel animations is a good one. I haven't thought of this and I may implement it in the future.
Again, thank you for playing! ♥
i just found a bug where if you use the charm ability on the magma girls she gets turned into a spear man. If you use the charm ability again it plays the magma girl animation but returns to being a spearman aferwards.
Thanks for letting me know of this bug, that's definitely not supposed to happen!
I found a bug where after I defeat Wrath, I get stuck. I can walk through the door without it opening, but the exit is unpassable and it just constantly says "Press ->". Without saying what to press. And I tryed pressing every button without anything happening. While Wrath just sits kneeling like before entering. Even the book stops following me. This is on the public version if that changes things.
Besides this bug, everything else seems great, pretty enjoyable game.
Thank you for playing the game and for letting me know about these bugs!
After Wrath the game is pretty much at its end. The "Press ->" refers to the arrow keys on your keyboard and will make Wrath's H-animation progress from her kneeling on the ground. It's a temporary text.
Hope that helps!
Great to see you are still working on this!
Ok but the attacks aren't choreographed well if at all and the block animation is too long before blocking.
Good point, thank you for playing!
I must say that i really like your game and i'm looking forward to playing the finished version. Sadly i'm pretty poor otherwise i would support you on patreon... Keep up that good work<
Thank you so much for the nice comment and for trying out Sinher! ♥
It's not a bug that she is gone after the fight, you can find her later in the level near a save point, but if that is unclear I may consider having her appear sooner.
Thank you for playing!
Will there be an Android/Linux version?
Android is unlikely, but Linux could be a possibility in the future. Can't promise anything though.
I think it's only once unfortunately.