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Can we rebind the controls (Alt & Shift or F &C land no Arrow keys like wtf), or get controller support?


Unfortunately as of now the buttons are set and can't be changed, but ideally I'd like both of these options to be available in the future. 
Thank you for playing the game! ♥ 

I managed to get stuck in the wall on the first boss fight. Just my luck

Hello!  Thank you for playing the game! Could you please provide more info on how that happened so I can find a way to fix it?  


I've only managed to recreate the issue 3 out of 20 times. I was standing next to the wall and messed up a parry and got hit with a fireball. I was then knocked back into the wall.


I haven't been able to recreate it myself, however I have been rearranging the collission code, so hopefully that solved it. The fix will be live with the next update which should be soonish seeing as there's some smaller things I need to change/fix as of now. 

Some issue with the first boss that i expierienced was a lack of openings to attack, as well as  some attacks not being telegraphed that well. I also find enviornmental hazards killing you instantly, even when at full health, kind of dumb.


I agree, I want the game to feel good to play after all and I do realize Ira is not quite there yet, but it's something I intend on working on as the project progresses. :)
As for the enviromental hazards, I must respectfully disagree. I quite like it, but if it proves to be something the majority of players dislike, it  might be subject to change. 
Thank you for playing the game! 

If you like the enviornmental hazards as they are then keep then, they aren't a big deal and the last thing I want to do is make the game feel worse to the developer.

(1 edit)

Nice game... but how to kill the first boss? ._.


Thank you for playing.
You have to parry her by pressing C, hope that helps!

(3 edits) (+1)

It appears as though you have made a challenging 1st boss... Honestly, as simple as it really is it even took me about 3 tries until I figured it out... but that was before the hints were posted above or in the comments section here. ;) Very... clever. That parry button was a hidden feature not too long ago lol. I hope it didn't frustrate too many people... I'm curious to know if it was an accident or on purpose to test IQ... 😏😉 Either way, it's amusing. Thank you for the moment. It's been a good while


Oh, it was an unintentional mistake to leave the parry button out of the menu, so I'm glad you managed to figure it out! And yeah I hope so too, it would be a shame if a lot of people were locked out of completing the fight. 

That will be fixed soon. :) 


What's the use of the red hearts?


There is no use for them yet, that will be implemented in the future. 


And it seems that they can be consumed by pressing G…


Yep! It's a work in progress...

Thank you for playing!

I knew it ^_^



Why does this require admin to run?

Hello! :)

Are you talking about the installer or the game?


The downloaded file - is it possible to download without an installer to avoid admin permissions?


Not as of now, but it's a good suggestion and I will consider adding this as an option with the next update. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Just saying: I second that. Please do. Remove the installer. I prefer to extract it myself as well too anyway. I approve. This is a good idea as I will also chime in here to state that it felt weird & awkward for a game to automatically request admin privilege's to run & won't run without them when it shouldn't need them...

In fact, it's the only one I've downloaded that actually did that... So even if you didn't mean it to be, I'll be openly honest to say it felt fishy to say the least. Not a good vibe to put out as a new developer...

I choose to have faith in you as a developer though so I let it run anyway. 90% of the time even when the anti virus software goes off its a false positive anyway. I swear virus scares are sometimes just so a anti virus company can make more money to get the user to download their antivirus program or more stuff for it when it is actually a virus itself.
Take Norton for instance, they root their program into the machine making it impossible for even their uninstaller to remove the program fully. Like, wtf... Isn't that messed up?. I wish I was kidding. Speaking from experience when I bought a 120$ package a while back... assholes ruined my usb stick. 

After all, why would a developer sabotage their own game to do unspeakable things to another persons device?. That would be counterproductive and very bad for business after all...

Some people just don't care I guess. Good way to fail & end up with a nasty fine or in cuffs though...

Anyway, even if the game does need admin privileges in the future because it's not running well or something like that, it's nothing a right click, run as administrator wouldn't fix... It just feels safer when the player has the option to do it themselves and it's not forced. I just figured this was a alpha game state thing anyways. ^_^ No harm done. No foul. 

(2 edits) (+1)

@ ppwtfqq2
I already ran it, had it scanned, & let it use admin privileges and can assure you its trustworthy and safe. The program also unpacks and installs it's own un-installer for you to use at any time for the game where you have it placed if you were worried about that & at some point would like to have it removed completely.

Of course, you don't have to take my word for it. I know we don't know each other but I try to be helpful, truthful, to the point, and kind where I can be anyway.

See this is what it installed on Windows minus the itch shortcut. That's my shortcut back here to check up on things. The game runs fine other than the Alpha build bugs and problems:
If you need to see the image larger simply open image in new tab. 

So its here regardless for reassurance purposes if you do so choose to trust in others.

For everyone: Please vote up if you agree, it's safe, or even share your experience. Anyone else feel the same? Now's the time and it helps build trust...


I mean, it has potential but... Platforming challenged with slippery controls? Come one...

Also, please add controller support.

(1 edit) (+1)

Noticed the page changes. Nice. +1 and thank you for adding screenshots. The more the merrier. 

(1 edit) (+3)

im having trouble on the fire boss, i cant avoid the main attack where she charges at you from off the screen. my jump doesnt go high enough, is that just me or is there something im missing?

EDIT: nvm i found out that i needed to press shift when she was attacking

😆I think this boss actually gets most people at 1st lol. +1 for your honesty and not removing the comment. 


i also thought it would be useful for people who were confused

(1 edit)

So it is.
Thanks for being helpful... guess I should have finished  that way. Sorry, didn't mean to come off as rude. Just some good humor from my point of view is all. It's always amusing when people answer their own question moments later. So thanks for that as well.

(1 edit) (+1)

Says for Mac but only see .exe.  Decompresses to a folder and another .exe file.  Am I missing something?  Have not had success with wine so far


Oh no, this is a BIG mistake on my part and I'm very sorry about this. Unfortunately game is only for Windows OS as of now. 

Thank you for pointing this out, I'll change it right away. 


Hey no worries.  Thanks for the clarification.


This is very good so far the bouncing mushrooms and slimes were a satisfying idea to start with for the first area. I noticed a bug where the character would fall through the floor if they tried to return to the previous area from the second checkpoint before the lava room.

Thank you for playing and great find!  I'll look in to fixing it for the next update. 


Interesting! Succubus sidescrollers are always welcome to the scene. I'll be giving the public release a try soon. If you ever feel like voiceacting would be useful to your game, I'd be happy to throw my name out there. I've been doing NSFW VA for a few years but I'm really trying to expand more in lewd games. Either way, good luck with future development!

Demo reel

Great stuff, I'll throw you a follow on Twitter! o/

(2 edits) (+3)

Feedback & suggestions after a 0.1 alpha playthrough: I tried it. Beat the 1st level 2x. Overall, I liked it. It'll be nice to see where you go with this in the future. Anything I don't mention is either ok, good, didn't mind or didn't notice. 

Was a big Mario & Castlevania fan back in the day. Platformers are always fun so long as they don't lag to hell & the player doesn't fall through the world/platforms they land on. No such problems here. A bit raw bones as of now but that's definitely alpha speaking. 

The tentacle traps are great. The shadow beast caught me a bit off guard. You may want to put some kind of warning for that type of content. Not everyone likes that sort of thing... I didn't mind it though ;) Nice addition. I approve.
Was hoping the slimes were also enemies. Was a little disappointed to find they weren't... just a little.
Never did figure out what collecting the hearts did though. And it also seems as if there will be some sort of gift feature added in future versions. Possibly for rewards lewd or otherwise... interesting... 

Glad to see that you've already implemented a up & down attack. Now you just need a diagonal one... For instance, while holding [W] & [D] then pressing [F] to be able to attack diagonally up & to the right. Of course being able to remap controls would make such attacks easier once they are implemented if they are. 

The thing that got to me the most: One of the most important features of any platformer if not the most important feature, The Jump: Not being able to control the height of the jump depending on how long the button was held was a bit irritating. 
Definitely needs more of a jump animation so the movement doesn't feel so clunky (No one is perfectly still as they jump and land). Also assuming that's just temporary since it's alpha. At least it made it easy to see exactly where the character model was going to land... Maybe add a shadow later for this.
The player will absolutely need a jump attack as well eventually.
It would have been nice to be able to jump/ fly over the 1st bosses lunge attacks so the player has a little more time to figure out that they need to parry that to get an opening...  or perhaps be able to learn an ability just before the boss to get a hint... (she is a succubus after all right?. Don't they have wings?.) Hopefully the future of this game will have some earnable abilities such as a double jump etc...

Also the boss is the only enemy the parry seemed to work against which was odd. Even in Dark Souls I would practice the parry on weaker enemies at first just to get a grasp for the timing. No such luck here... 

I also agree that a up-to-date payable version would be nice. Not everyone likes Patreon. Not everyone can afford a subscription. 

As far as lewd content advice goes: Add a button & animation (Masturbate?)  like parry to allow the enemies to have their way with her if she's in the mood. More positions depending how they attacked her (From behind, from the front, while she was kneeling/ jumping/ falling etc...) Add a togglable view window for regular enemies as well? Other than that the angles and positions were good for the most part. 

What I liked:
- It's a platformer... always fun...
- A very Castlevania style game. A good choice of direction for this game. "An old favorite."
- Her weapon of choice is fitting. Much better than a vampire undead slaying dude using a whip...
- If the player landed on the very edge of a platform, the game wouldn't bug out thinking the player was in a never ending fall. Not letting them jump again. Freezing the game. A lot of platformers have this problem. Yours did not. 
- Reminded me instantly of Spawn. (Just from a succubus's point of view.)
- Well, it's lewd. The protagonist is a succubus. Already interesting. Plenty of material to work with.
"Let's face it, I grew out of Mario a while ago, time for something a little more adult..."
- The beginning, I love the way she spawns in from the egg sac on the ceiling. Very fitting for a spawn of hell. Nicely depicted.
Only other way I can think of is if in a future level she is summoned from a ritual portal through a pentagram by some cultists or something like it... there's an idea for you.
- The save system already works. Nice. 
- Decent art and level design. The player could travel back and forth as needed. Some areas more difficult to go back than others but possible.
- Some areas required a bit of cleverness to get to. 
- Item system being added.
- Good 1st boss fight for the most part 
- it's almost giving me that "bloodstained" vibe. Almost... but it's got a long way to go before it's that good... 
"Bloodstained is a great gothic horror action side-scrolling RPG game I've played recently. Too difficult though for me..."

What I didn't like:
- The jump still needs work.
- Lack of "Abilities" to try out/ earn. For now...
- The music's too relaxing for hell, needs more of a Castlevania style jam ;) (That's just my opinion though.)
- She doesn't have her wings... yet... maybe learn ability(s) in the future, idk...
- The game over says "death is not the end..." but it takes the player back to the main menu anyway. Might as well just be "game over" then. Needs a continue option. (Probably just an alpha thing.) 
- There was no way to move the camera around, zoom in & out or view a map to check the surroundings. Some pitfalls were unavoidable due to this...
- Parry is only useful against the boss. 
- The 1st boss is impossible if the player is not aware of the parry system with no time to learn. 
- No zoom on lewd scenes. 
- Only the boss had an extra view point window.
- It's alpha. "That's a given. No one likes to play a game before it's complete" (You can ignore that last lol.)

Obvious bugs I came across:
- After loading from a save, you could get another set of clothes from Lise
- After loading from a save, Lise doesn't remember that you've already talked to her. Resetting quest progress that the player may have made with her... 

"I hope this feedback helps improve the game and thank you so much for sharing your game with us!"


Wow, thank you so much for playing and for taking the time to write this detailed review!  Feedback like this is very much appreciated and will definitely help me improve the game. 

I think you raise some very good points and I also really appreciate you mentioning the bugs you came across so that I can fix them. 

Again thank you for playing and I'm happy you liked it!


<3 Always happy to help


This is a promising start. the animations are nice (mostly). The biggest gripe I have with it right now is the lack of control remapping, or more so that the attack button is alt. Don't use alt for a control, especially since alt+space seems to softlock dialogue cutscenes. The movement is a bit iffy. it feels floaty and a bit unresponsive, which isn't helped with all of the platforming on tiny platforms over instakill lava lakes. Some more animation frames for things like jumping would also be nice. The combat is pretty raw. The delay between pressing the button to attack and attacking is frustratingly bad, you can't attack in midair, the boss being invincible during certain animations is annoying, the fact that your only form of defense is a parry is annoying (although you may be trying to make the Sekiro of adult Souls-lites, idk), and I couldn't tell if it was possible to shake off the dog/boar before he raped me. 

There are other things I could nitpick, but this is honestly not bad for a very first alpha build from a solo dev. Just needs more polish, more reiterating design choices, and more content. I'm excited to see where this goes.

And as an aside, would it be at all possible to have a paid version of the game on itchio as well as on Patreon? I'd be more than happy to pay for a version with the latest updates and stuff, as well as to generally support development, but I just don't like subscription models (for probably the same reason devs love them, but still).


Thank you so much for playing the game and for taking the time to write this. I think you raise some very valid points that I completely agree with and I hope to keep working on those things in the future. 

Your suggestion to have a paid version on itchio is a great idea and one I'll look into making happen sooner rather than later. 


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