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is there a way to double jump or dash? i have no idea on how to pass the last section of the lava. the jump doesnt seem possible unless im supposed to take damage to propel myself forward

Try holding the jump button when you go for a jump, this will make you jump higher. The lava section is really just presicion jumping as the platforms are quite small.  Good luck!

Thank you!


So right now i have two bugs in this game. First, i couldn't move to the left or right one time after respawning and one time after getting hit by the purple shots from the book boss. Secondly, directly after defeating the book boss i tried to use an item(i can't remember which one it was, but i think it was the skull) and then my game crashed. However the new lavagirl animation is looking really well^^

Thank you for letting me know! 

Can I play this with Joiplay?

I don't know much about Joiplay, but from what found online I doubt it will work with it since this game is made with Game Maker 2.   :(

The jump is so tedious, if your a pixel off it doesn't work, or if it does it doesn't go high enough. Yes Im holding the button down, and I have to do it like 3 times to clear a slightly higher block. I've literally spent 30 minutes at the lava area constantly dying because the jump is messed up (and yes im ass at platformers). I get to the last jump multiple times and then because its a tiny platform the jump is too short or it doesn't work at all. if the jump just a little bit higher then this wouldn't be an issue. I'm just wasting my time with this game (Obviously, its a fucking porn game). 

bug - slime turned into dark shadow lizard somehow

the key binding is messed up, only shift and alt work for attack and block, not c and f.

I'll likely adjust the jump.  It's an easy fix.

However the keybindings should really by default be F for attack and Shift for parry. You can change them from the main menu.

Which version of the game are you playing? 0.29.1 is the latest one. 

What do items do?


As of now, there are only 2 items with uses, the other ones are just there for the future as I have plans for them. 
Currently, the Wine can heal you, and the Books can be given to Lise to raise her relationship.  (You get a reward for lvl 3).

Ah, didn't know about how to use the books. Thanks!


Thanks for all the hard work of making a game. It's rare, I think, to see women devs have a crack at mostly male-oriented lewd games market. So that's points right off the bat. Nice pixel art style. I like the blocking animation sprites the most for some reason. Kinda unique and confident pose.

Unfortunately in the current state it has lots of bugs that prevent me from enjoying it:

- When I pause the game by pressing escape often the character suddenly starts playing the animation of getting hit although nothing happens and also becomes stuck - can't move left or right but can jump up and crack the whip. There's nothing to do but reload.

- once, the slime near the save point turned into a dog, then back to slime. Not sure what triggered it.

- I died and reloaded in the above situation and there was no slime after reload. I jumped down and couldn't get out at all, because the slime wasn't there, forcing another reload.

- I have no idea how collecting hearts into the big heart should work?

- having to press E to pick things up doesn't feel necessary, it slows down action (also, the item not always gets picked up, perhaps you should at least highlight it when in range)

- Controls also feel stiff and not always responsive, but I'm not a dev, so can't suggest how to improve that. Especially the whip. There seems to be a combo but it not always triggers.

- the sex animations are really cool but long so sometimes annoying if you get grabbed repeatedly. Some way of shaking the enemy off would be nice, by rapidly pressing left-right, for example.

Also, on a more subjective note, I dislike the trope of getting fucked solely for messing up. I know it's a standard in the genre, but I prefer for the character to have a more active role in initiating this (esp. since she's a succubus!). It's not just a femdom thing, it's the gameplay contradiction that I'm getting rewarded for losing. Suppose I play the game perfectly then I'm probably not gonna see almost any of the sexy stuff.

Thank you for the thorough reply! You bring some good points. With the next release (which is right around the corner) I have fixed some fairly major issues and the game should feel more responsive. 

-Enemies turning into other enemies has been mentioned  a couple times, but I don't know what causes this yet..  I imagine I'll have to go over the enemy codes thoroughly (or rewrite them)  to fix it. 

-When you are in range to pick up an item you can see the key pop up above it, that means youre in range to pick it up. This is a new issue I've not heard of before nor encountered myself so I will keep an eye on this. 

-The idea with the hearts and the bar is that you can charm enemies to engage in animations with them at your own will. You get hearts by collecting them or attacking enemies. It requires 1/3rd of the bar full to be able to use, at which point the bar will begin to flash occasionally. 
I may need  to add some more explanations to this function in the game..

-The suggestion to cancel animations is a good one. I haven't thought of this and I may implement it in the future. 

Again, thank you for playing! ♥ 


i just found a bug where if you use the charm ability on the magma girls she gets turned into a spear man. If you use the charm ability again it plays the magma girl animation but returns to being a spearman aferwards.

Thanks for letting me know of this bug, that's definitely not supposed to happen!

(1 edit) (+1)

I found a bug where after I defeat Wrath, I get stuck. I can walk through the door without it opening, but the exit is unpassable and it just constantly says "Press ->". Without saying what to press. And I tryed pressing every button without anything happening. While Wrath just sits kneeling like before entering. Even the book stops following me. This is on the public version if that changes things.

Besides this bug, everything else seems great, pretty enjoyable game.


Thank you for playing the game and for letting me know about these bugs!

After Wrath the game is pretty much at its end. The "Press ->" refers to the arrow keys on your keyboard and will make Wrath's H-animation progress from her kneeling on the ground. It's a temporary text. 

Hope that helps!


Great to see you are still working on this!

Ok but the attacks aren't choreographed well if at all and the block animation is too long before blocking. 

Good point, thank you for playing! 


I must say that i really like your game and i'm looking forward to playing the finished version. Sadly i'm pretty poor otherwise i would support you on patreon... Keep up that good work<


Thank you so much for the nice comment and for trying out Sinher! ♥ 

Deleted 2 years ago

It's not a bug that she is gone after the fight, you can find her later in the level near a save point, but if that is unclear I may consider having her appear sooner. 
Thank you for playing! 

Will there be an Android/Linux version?


Android is unlikely, but Linux could be a possibility in the future. Can't promise anything though.

Deleted 291 days ago

I think it's only once unfortunately. 

Hello, your game is very impressive at erotic contents and the battle style.
But the gamplay is raw, it seem to be very easy to cause bugs and stuck plus annoying because it not smooth. So far not enjoyable  at battle.
This game remind me of Gorepete's Sakyubasu No Tatakai 1. I hope this game will better than it's predecessors in the future.


I agree, it's a little rough around the edges at the moment. I hope to fix the bugs present, and hopefully make the combat more enjoyable! 

Thank you for playing the game! 

(1 edit)

im begining the game but i cant leave the area that we first spawn i cant jump either 


That's very strange. Are you using keyboard or a controller to play? If the latter what type of controller are you using? 

Does it work to move around at all? 

im using keyboard and everything works fine expect jumping and my 'W' key is working 


Hm.. That is very strange. I have access to trying it on two computers with different OS aswell as two controllers/keyboards and it seems to work fine for me, which will make this harder to solve. 

 I'll have a look at the code, but as of now I really don't know what could be causing this.  :( 


no problem it happens making a game is not an easy job 

Space bar is jump

(1 edit)

I seem to be stupid but, I'm not having any progress in this game. Straight at the beginning, I can run in a cricle, or will fall down into the pit, where I can't escape from, because I can't jump up the walls.


I don't know exactly what the issue you're having is so forgive me if what I suggest sounds obvious. 
Holding the jump button makes you jump higher (if you're on keyboard) and will help you get past most basic jumps. 
Killing green slime enemies spawn a smaller green slime, this is not an enemy and will work as a moving spring. 
Hope this helps, and thank you for trying out Sinher! ♥ 

(2 edits) (+1)

As promised, I ran through the game again to check for bugs. I'm sorry to say I found a few but nothing too bad. Nothing that makes the game un-playable. It went pretty smoothly actually.
Other than what's mentioned below, everything else seems to function more or less as intended as far as I know.

1. After defeating the book and talking to Lise to get her to move locations from the portal to the next area... I left the area and saved the game. Upon saving and reloading the game from the main menu, I returned to the cave where she was only to find that a floating "!" was there, when nothing should be there at all... It could not be interacted with however which makes sense since she is not actually there. So that's good. The portal cannot be re-entered or opened once completed. 
This spot seems to love giving you issues... -_- Sorry...

Here is a screenshot of the visual bug: 

2. After an enemy KO's the player, the book stops following Darlissa and seems to remain floating static somewhere in each area after she is checkpointed to the last save point...

3. Not necessarily a bug as it's just good for a dev to know.. Just a quick mention, it would be nice to be able to have separate save files to more easily be able to go back and forth to play-test areas.
However, a skilled enough player can return to the beginning from this spot just before the Ira Boss fight. If they take the time to backtrack, if they are careful enough...
After jumping past this platform though, due to the jump height going back... this is the "point of no return."

Just thought you'd like to know when the player can't possibly go back to the beginning exactly...: 

4. Just a re-mention really. This one's just a friendly suggestion for the shadow beast in the beginning to be able to take her in doggystyle position when she is facing away but grabbed. It's weird seeing the beast teleport to the front lol. It's a beast like creature on all fours anyway after all...^_^
That can go for any enemy though... Possibly something to be added later when the levels are done. (Alternate sex positions depending on what position she is doing or facing...) 

5. Some good news ^_^ I love the new boss door and sound effects! It definitely says boss room. And it works! Nice touch!

6. More good news, I can confirm that you did indeed fixed the 2 slime's dropping down the crack. However, after loading the game again if the player tries to retrace their steps from the further save point, they will find that the slimes have been reset and the boulder put back in place. Muhahaha. 😂👍

7. Speaking of slimes... the players may hate me for mentioning this one... When crouched down, the player is immune to the red slime girls projectiles... they also can't seem to be parried. So in a way it balances out lol... Not sure how much of this was intentional so I figured I'd be nice enough to mention it.

That's all I got for now. It's the least I can do. Thank you, as always, for letting me play-test your game Ellise. ❤ I'll be sure to cum again lol. 😏

Luv you. 


Hey Anonymous! 
Thank you for taking the time to play the game and write this long entry. It's very helpful!

1. This has now been fixed with the next update! ♥ 

2. I tried to recreate this bug but I couldn't make it appear for me. Do you have more instructions on how you made it happen?  

3. I agree that separate save files would be nice. As of now the game is quite small and it's not yet something I will prioritize, but I may consider implementing it in the future. Not promising anything though. I tend to plan things very loosely as I get more done that way. 

4.  I'd love to have multiple animations for each enemy already,  but the H-animations are what takes me the longest for  me to make. They're all pretty much a good 100+ frames. It's something that will be added, especially as I've implemented the 'kiss' ability (that doesn't yet do anything mind) that would work as a charm-ability of sorts, and a way for the player to engage animations themselves. 
Having different animations based on which way the player is facing is a great idea though. I like that.

5. I'm glad you like the boss door! 

6. The game at the moment isn't quite made for back tracking! ;_; I may consider adjusting it at some point, but as of now I think(?) there's little reason to retrace your steps anyway...
As the game continues after Ira, you'll be able to get back to what will be a hub of sorts, where you meet Lise before entering the lava stage. 

7.  D:  Oh no...  That is very strange and not how it's supposed to work. Only projectiles with white outlines can be parried, but you've given me the idea to perhaps implement that for her attacks to make her easier and more satisfying to deal with. 

Again thank you for the help, it's much appreciated. ♥ 

(1 edit) (+1)

Aww, thank you very much as always Ellise for the very detailed reply. ❤ This is exactly why I love you. You're a wonderful sweethearted developer. Sometimes. I just don't know how you find the time for your "Sinners" lol... It really is sweet and touches my heart. It gets me every time ^_^ So as always, thank you! And sorry for speaking or rather texting my heart... 

2. As for the bug with the book, I was able to make it happen again. It shouldn't matter where you save the game... so don't worry about that.
I should have taken notice on which "enemy" I died on when it happened lol...
It was the Boss Wrath aka Ira 🤣... Not just any enemy. The book was left floating static again. I recreated the bug 2x just to be sure. It actually doesn't seem to happen with any other enemy or instance of death as I falsely accidentally stated before... Sorry about that. I should have been more thorough on testing it for you. 
Maybe it only happens with bosses? If so, that was my bad. Sorry. The devil is in the details as the saying goes lol

4. I believe it. Take your time Ellise. I can tell you are very passionate about it. You wouldn't have made it this far if you weren't. ^_^ 
"Without a plan, passion and course of action, an idea remains just that, just an idea never coming to be"
And what you already have here is already more than just an idea. You're making it a reality! So when I say I'm grateful for what you do, I mean every word. Thanks for sharing it with the world and adding to our enjoyment and entertainment in your own way. One small frame at a time ^_^ It's lovable.
It is a lot to do. I see that. But as I always say, "you got this!"
I for one, promise to be patient in the meantime. I'm honestly just grateful to be able to witness this little journey of yours. Even in just a small supportive way, be a small part of it with you even. I think it's wonderful. It makes me wish I could help you develop it but alas... I don't have the know-how. All I have are idea's from time to time. And my poetry lol. It's a personal problem I suppose, so don't mind it. 😔
As always, I look forward to seeing the game flourish over time. It's only just the beginning after all, so it's nice to hear about the dream for the game and where you want to go with it. Sounds good! I'll be sure to continue giving my thoughts and support to you if any other good ideas come to mind in the meantime. You're already far more creative than I ever will be. My passion lays elsewhere... 

6. I won't lie... After loading the game I tend to backtrack to stockpile on items. The chests and enemies conveniently reset after loading the game. I hope it stays that way personally 😏Magical refilling chests are convenient as they are for simply being there. Kind of like the older final fantasy games. ^_^ So there is a reason too... although... possibly an unintentional exploit... I hope I don't regret telling you that 😆(I wish my refrigerator and cupboards would magically fill up with food XD)
Maybe later the enemies will have a way to respawn other than loading the game and have an item drop chance(?) giving the player better reason to backtrack and farm... Just an idea. 🤔

7. That is your call entirely. I don't complain about things being easier lol. "Or more satisfying to deal with..." 😉😏... 
As I like to say, "There is nothing wrong with easy."
 I thought about it for a minute and realized logically trying to parry a glob of lava with a whip by holding it out in a tight line is probably a very bad idea lol. It would probably split it in half and hit you twice instead. So its better to whip it away... You had it right. ^_^ Well... besides the crouching bug exploit lol.
Maybe if Darlissa can get a "spell shield" later?... That would be a cool way to block such things...
"Ohh the possibilities and limits to the imagination are endless. You're the dev, the creator, the god to your own world" ^_^

As for your wonderful detailed feedback to my past replies... again... Just... thank you. ❤ That was more than ever expected.
Sorry, I got carried away with my words of love and inspiration again... 

It was a pleasure to help you. You're very welcome. And again, thank you. I enjoy helping you. It helps me take my mind off of other things at the same time. 😌 This was enjoyable.

As I said before, I'll say it again, "I'll be here." Thanks for reading. ♥

controller support is VERY janky... Many button presses fail to register, and there is no button to pick up items from the ground or open/close inventory. 


I'm sorry you're having issues with the controller.  May I ask what type of controller you're using? Is it possible for you to describe exactly what is happening when you press buttons? 
(Sorry if this sounds silly, I just want to understand what may be going wrong with the code.)

I definitely need to add a button to open the inventory, that is a mistake on my part.
As for picking up items from the ground, does 'Y'/'Triangle' not work? 

Thank you for trying out the game and for mentioning the issues you've experienced with the game. ♥

Using a PS4 controller. Hitting Triangle next to (or standing on) an item on the ground does nothing. 


oh this looks pretty cool, ill buy it for supports sake


Thank you so much! Hope you like it! ♥ 

Out of curiosity, How many levels and bosses do you plan on adding to the game?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm planning on having 7 bosses in total with their own "levels" or environments! One boss for each deadly sin. At the very least anyway!
It's a fairly large project to work on by myself, but I never thought I'd get as far as I have today and I'm feeling very positive about it. ^-^

(1 edit) (+1)

That sounds awesome Ellise! That's a great way of doing it! Like Dante's Inferno, Diablo series or Devil May Cry in a way. Among many other great games. Especially if it's going to tell a story why she's going through all of it. Might even teach some very valuable lessons along the way ^_^

You should be positive about it, that's  a very ambitious idea. A good goal to work for. I wish you all the best in making it. It sounds like you have a great plan for the game. Certainly surround yourself in lore and things like it during development and I'm sure you will have plenty of material and inspiration to work off of. 

Making the game one level at a time... 🎶😄😉 Cheers! ♥


I hope you make enough on Patreon eventually to get help for it. I'm rooting for you!

great game but it definitely needs some improvements im looking forward to seeing this finish

Thank you so much for trying out the game! ♥ 

put an option to play without lighting effects among others, I tested it on my notebook and the game seemed horribly poorly optimized, to a point where I had to modify the game to manually remove it in the code

(1 edit)

This is the first time I hear of this. 
Could you kindly explain why this is necessary?  I understand that the game is poorly optimized, but did it tax your computer so  much that it was unplayable? What kind of specs do you have and what happened exactly?  I'm trying to understand what caused this to be a problem.

I usually use an old notebook, so it doesn't support some shaders, so every time I change rooms and the shader loads it gives me an error and closes


I had no idea the shaders could cause such issues. Thank you for explaining this. Unfortunately I've used shaders for more than lighting..


Hi! I just finished the game a couple things I noticed to help you polish up your product. 

I noticed I didn't seem to be able to strike while in the air, at least horizontally. I completed the game without using any other attack. 

The hit box on Wrath's across the screen spear charge seems to hit the player before she would visibly come in contact.

Loved the moving slime bounce pads. 


Just thought of something that crossed my mind you could do to help spread the word about the game... Could you post a link to your twitter here as well. ^_^ Never hurts to have everything easily connected for the fans to keep up with you after all. I've missed you by the way. Hope life's not being to hard on you. Still no luck on my end lol. As always... good luck with progress. ♥


Yeah you're right, I think that's a good idea! Hope things get better for you soon. Take care and thank you as always! ♥ 


Thank you for the well wishes sweetheart... I hope so too... and you as well. ♥

(1 edit)

problem with version 0.24. when i open my inventory to heal a second copy of the boss spawned. during the boss fight that is


Dear god, what have I done? This is such a long post. I'm sorry in advance - for what it's worth, I do like the game!

It's a very good start. Others have already voiced some of my concerns with the current state of the controls and platforming (coyote time, midair actions, etc). I do have too many a couple of things to add, however:

The most critical bug I encountered was during the boss fights; twice I encountered an issue where my character stopped responding to left/right directional inputs. I could still jump and attack, but I couldn't move. This always happened right after getting hit, and forced me to return to the menu and reload, so I assume whatever function prevents movement during the hit animation isn't properly returning control in some edge case (read: button-mashing). I played with a controller.

I don't know if it's a bug, but even after making a successful parry, there's a pretty significant delay before I can parry again. This is a problem when attempting to parry a hail of multiple projectiles close together, in which case there's a good chance a second projectile close to the first may either hit the player or need avoided before it can be parried, and this doesn't feel as satisfying as it should. If the delay is intentional, there's no visual or auditory indication of when the parry is available again, and the timing isn't related to the animation, so it feels arbitrary.

This is a big accessibility thing: text and controls need to be highly readable, at least optionally. Right now, it's just somewhat readable, with some letters barely so and some only resembling what they're supposed to be, at least in the pause menu. Controls also don't have color to them, which can help sometimes (the Y prompt on interactables could stand to be yellow, as it always has been on classic XBOX controllers). Mark Brown of Game Maker's Toolkit fame has a lot to say on this subject.

In checking on this, I found another bug: The spawning of at least some hazards is not paused by the pause menu. Pausing in the lava zone where fireballs shoot up will hide the existing fireballs, but more new ones will spawn and fly up after a second or two. If the player happens to have paused midair, these new fireballs can actually hit them, cause damage, and send them into the stratosphere! Who ever heard of dying in the pause menu, right?

For the controls, using Y to advance dialog boxes and select options doesn't feel right. The conventional scheme is A to advance and B to go back, so this will work against many players' muscle memory. Remappable controls would make this a non-issue, and also make the game more accessible for, I dunno, folks who play with one hand. For reasons.

There is at least one instance where selecting between options in the dialogue only allows the down input on the d-pad and not the up input.

Lastly, I would say the small tentacle animation in the first zone just isn't very dynamic. If it's a placeholder, it's perfectly fine, but if not, I'll go into detail on what I mean. The character's face barely changes throughout, and there's very little movement overall. The best animation exaggerates movement to sell what's happening, but this feels like almost nothing is happening. The whole tentacle ought to be pumping at the end, sort of like the classic "bulging garden hose" in cartoons, not just a tiny little bit next to what's inserted. There's some odd stretching with the ankle that's on the ground - just let it lift up! Make it look like the tentacle is completely holding her up, and the leg not being directly grabbed is just along for the ride, scrambling around for footing and sometimes lifting off the ground entirely.

I think that's about all I have to say on the game itself. Last thing I'll comment on is the itch integration, which is pretty bad. Is there some issue with using butler? I happen to agree with its documentation that says installers are the worst. I just want to hit Launch in the itch app and see the game come up, not click through an installer like it's 2005. Does GameMaker do some weird nonsense that requires its installer be used for the game to work properly? I understand if that's the case, though it would seem like a risk for the longevity of the end product.

I hope this all doesn't come across as negative; I know how critical early feedback is in game dev, and I want this game to succeed!


Thank you so much for the feedback and for trying out the game!

When you got stuck during the boss fights, were you near any walls? Did it happen after pausing? Or did it happen at random? I'm asking so I can perhaps more easily figure out how to solve it. 

As for the controller text, it's something I'm intending on changing as well. The pause menu is temporary and so are the way the controls read whilst playing - for the controller anyhow. 

All in all I agree with everything you mentioned and they are things I'll be working on fixing!
Cheers and Happy New Year! ♥ 


If there were something that seemed like a control of my character moves, I could tell if I like this game or not...

In the current state, it's close to unplayable.

Hmm 🤔 That's strange. I was able to control and beat the demo one handedly just fine on my laptop using a QWERTY keyboard. Character control was fine using that...

Are you using something other than intended or were you just having difficulty figuring out the controls?... Just trying to help. Honest question. 

"Why" were you having trouble with your character moves? Knowing at least that information might possibly help the developer out. That way she can understand what's wrong and possibly do something about it if need be. Making the game seem more playable to people with the same problem like you in a future update...
Giving more detail and elaborating about the problem you're having goes a long way in feedback to support the development of a game. By all means please specify. The developers nice enough. I'm sure she will read your feedback and take it into consideration if you do. 

As for controls for the game. Using a keyboard they are as follows:

SINHER CONTROLS (qwerty Keyboard)

Pause the game:                 [P]
Movement:                            [A] - left
                                                      [W] - up
                                                      [S] - down
                                                      [D] - right
Jump:                                        Spacebar
Interact/ use:                        [E]
Attack:                                      [Alt] or [F]
Up attack:                               Attack + [W]
Down attack:                        Attack + [S]
Parry:                                        [Shift] or [C]
Toggle inventory:               [I]
Blow kiss/ Taunt?:             [G] (Requires Hearts)
Back to main Menu:         [backspace] 

Note - Using backspace does not save game progress...

Maybe the game just needs a controller manual as soon as you break out of the egg... Press [P] in game for controls.
I did what I could with your very small feedback provided.

Hope this helps...



the character is always crouching, you have to go "up" to walk, to go "up" to strike, to go "up" to move, to go "up" to parry".

I can't even pass the parry sequence of the tutorial.

My keyboard is azerty, ther's no way I can use wasd.

Why the hell many developers don't implement arrow keys ?

arrow keys are always at the same place, whaterver keyboard you're using

Ah, I had a feeling it was something like that. That's why I mentioned the qwerty keyboard. 

And, yeah, unfortunately the controller as well seems bugged out at this time as it appears to be. Laslyon reported the same problem in an earlier comment. Hopefully it will be addressed in a future update. Thanks for leaving more detailed feedback about the inconvenience you are having though. I'm sure the dev will appreciate it and it will possibly help improve the game in the future. Can't say for sure though lol. I'm just a drifter that decided to check back here every once and a while. I just like this developer and game. Maybe Ellise will chime in when she gets a chance to give her input on other keyboard types.  Sorry I couldn't help. At least I tried... Hope you get to play in the future though. I think it's a cute little gem of a platformer in the making. ^_^

"Time will tell..."


Thanks for chiming in! Much appreciated to be honest. 

Cheers! ♥


^_^ You're very welcome. "Always happy to help" ♥ 

I figured you must have been busy so I did what I could until you got back to see your messages here. I just like to help sometimes. I tried lol. You got this. I'm sure I'll be here from time to time. Cheers! 


Arrow keys are something I simply didn't think was necessary, but I see that I was wrong about that and will look to implement movement using those keys as well. 

I'm sorry you're having issues with the controller as well. It's really strange that it happens to some people since the controllers and computers I've personally tested the game out with worked fine.

For the next update I'm working on adjusting the controller code so that people whose controllers wouldn't be recognized at all should work, the crouching however is something I'm quite at a loss about though as of now. 

What kind of controller are you using if you don't mind me asking?


Xbox Controller.

I may be wrong but I believe that problem wouldn't happen if we had to use the cross-shaped directional device on the controller.

So you wouldn't have to add a way to set the controller analogic directional sensitivity.


Hm, an Xbox controller is what I use too. 

The d-pad is already coded to work, but I understand when the character is constantly pushing to one direction it's just as difficult to play using it. Luckily I think I may have figured out the issue, it seems to be related to deadzone sensitivity- or rather, a lack of one at all. (Rookie mistake, but we all gotta learn, right?)

If all goes well the major controller issues should be fixed with the next update. :)
Thank you for your patience! 


I just finished your alpha and its a lovely game so, have some notes.

Being locked out of taking any action while in another action (jumping, falling, whipping, parrying) feels awful and is probably a big part of why I felt the game wasn't consistently responding to my inputs. Animation cancels for whip and parry would be nice.

The major other issue I had with the game not feeling responsive to my inputs was jumping: when you run off a ledge in real life you obviously can't jump on thin air, but in video games, one of the things that makes platformers bareable to play is a bit of coyote time, so players can jump as a frame or two after they're off the ledge. This just makes the game feel more responsive because when your platforming and you press the jump button but it doesn't jump, it feels like the game ate your input.

Lastly, during the second boss fight's second stage, its possible for her to spawn on top of you while preparing her impaling attack (if your standing all the way to the right. Having a check for that and spawning her on the other side of the room would be helpful in preventing cheap deaths to an unblockable three damage.


Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it! And of course, thank you for playing! ♥ 


Please add Android version :-)


A few things.

Implement an options menu. Game is so dark I can barely spot the difference between spikes and terrain.

Fullscreen would be nice but is not needed.

Parrying attacks seems to be up to chance more than timing sometimes, and even if you get it, you lose health as if you were hit anyway. This is not what a parry should do.


This is actually what I'm working on for the next update. :) The spikes have been made easier to see as well as removed from a few places where it felt unfair to the player. The parry system is also a work in progress and something I want to improve, hopefully with the next update or so, knowing it's not ideal as it is in its current state. 

Thank you for the feedback and thank you for playing! ♥ 

When I have a controller plugged in, it constantly looks down. Even when I switch controllers. Makes it difficult to always have to look up, which makes you run. I'm using keyboard now. Hopefully Controller gets fixed. Great game so far :D

I had some troubles with the lava pit. Probably because I suck. Also I noticed when you die that the book says something, but it fades to black to quickly for me to read. Instead of going to the main menu when you die, maybe a do you want to continue. This could also help with seeing what the book says. It could float around you while you decide. The taunt that uses a resource looks like its going to be a Succubus charm spell.


Just wanted to chime in real quick. I really hope you stick with this game and will be able to see it through. I really like where it is heading and know things will pick up for you once it gets even bigger. You have a nice little gem in the making. Good luck, best regards & best wishes. Don't forget to have fun on the adventure & journey ahead! It will show in the content you create! ^_^ I'll be here to see it if I can. Your game is already on my wish list. Just thought you should know. Sorry I didn't really have any useful feedback for you this time around. But I'm sure a compliment isn't unwelcome either. I'm sorry it's been so long. I've been on a journey of my own looking for love. Sadly... it's not going well. Such is life I suppose... At least this little succubus is here to make me feel better ^_^ For now at least. Also, Happy Thanksgiving by the way. 


Thank you! It means a lot to me to hear this from you. Honestly it's people somehow enjoying what I make that keeps me going. Sometimes it's harder and sometimes it's easier, but I try to do a little everyday, but sometimes it's hard between irl work. Either way I will definitely keep the project going and I intend to see it to its end. 
I hope you find what you're looking for in your own journey, you seem like a good person and I wish you all the best! ♥ 

Happy thanksgiving!


I'm sorry, I just have to respond to that: Aww, Thank you... you're so sweet. Why you are not more well known is beyond me... the curse of just starting out I suppose... That was touching. You just made my whole day. You see... it's the little things like that are what make this world a better place to be. I look forward to watching your game development thrive and flourish. From one good person to another, you deserve it. I better leave it at that... ❤

i honestly like the game, i bought it too but ffs, the fire bosss is TRASH, i fucking hate it so much, the parry system has a little delay and only lasts for 3 frames, i've been tryharding this boss for an entire hour without being able to beat this shit

Is it wrong to ask about pubic hair in the game?


Since it's a pixel art game I found it simpler to not have it, but it may come to appear on npcs/enemies or such in the future to add some variation which I'm all for. 

Thank you for playing!

what do you mean simpler?

sorry, but what is g command for?


Right now it doesn't do anything. Tbh, I should probably disable it until relevant.

Thank you for playing Sinher! ♥ 


Thanks. Great game by the way. Keep it up!

Olá tudo bem? Pode trazer uma versão para Android??


I had to use google translate here. Things are good! Thank you for asking. :) Unfortunately there will most likely not be an Android version. 


Que bom!

mas mesmo assim, muito obrigado.👍


Game looks good might check it out after I finish another game I'm playing


Cheers! Let me know what you think if you do!


😏 Thanks for making some of the slimes enemies... That was nice of you. 😉 I will also say I like the animation you chose to do for them. Very... Bouncy ^_^ I wouldn't mind an alternative where she gets enveloped as well, but that's me. Anyway thought I'd say something. Your work didn't go unnoticed. So thank you!

A side note: Going back to the beginning area from the second save point no longer possible or is very difficult to do. The 1st bounce platform is set too low to go back. Was this intentional?

A bug?: I also encountered a bug where if I mashed [E] when talking to the ritual book to get to the fight faster after doing the tutorial, it duplicated itself several times completely annihilating the poor little succubus... There was no mercy or chance being attacked by 4 books at once... 

Ohh, and I almost forgot: Happy Halloween! just in case I'm not on here then. 


Happy Halloween!

Thank you for playing the most recent update :) 
Going back to the first area after the second save point is not possible. I'm aware that it's like that atm, but it may be subject to change, depending on how the game progresses. 

And  oh god.. LOL. I'll have to have a look at the multiplying books.. Thanks for spotting it! 


Will there be some tentacle traps on the ceiling?


That's a good idea, I hadn't thought of that. 


And mimics hidden in

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